Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Grace Elizabeth - 1 month

On Sunday, our sweet baby girl made 1 month old already!! Yes, I am posting her 1 month update before posting her birth story. But hey, give me a break, I have a baby now and her birth story is a long one... or at least I'm making it long because I want to remember each and every detail. It will be up soon though.

Weight/Height: 11 lbs, 22 inches long [95th percentile for weight, 90th for height]

Likes: diaper changes, being sang to, Christian music, riding in the car (falls asleep instantly), being rocked, eating (I call her Piglet), looking around, her pacifier (mama calls it a nu-nu, daddy calls it pappy),laying on her changing pad (no idea why but she smiles a ton when I put her on it!)

Dislikes: getting put into her car seat, dirty diapers, hiccups

Wears: 0-3 months (I squeezed her into newborn for 2 weeks)

First Outing: Panera Bread and Target

First Intentional Smile: January 27th


Farts like daddy... Seriously, she farts like a man. She's often called Tooter.

Punches her arms when she's mad 

Makes the funniest faces in her sleep. 


What Mama has learned: Things no longer go my way or as I schedule them. I no longer eat when I'm hungry or pee when I have to. My baby girl is always put first and I'm second. I've learned that being a mama and specifically breast feeding is the most selfless thing you can do. When you become a mom, you will always put your child before you no matter what. And I wouldn't change it for the world. This month has been one of the toughest, yet the most rewarding. I love being her mama!