Saturday, March 28, 2015

here we go again

I've really been meaning to update the blog, but just never got around to it. The Thursday after we got our negative test, Aunt Flow came to town.. she wasted no time! For the first time in my life I was excited to see her, because it meant we got to start the process for our frozen embryo transfer. I called my doc's office and was told to come in the next day for the norm by now (bloodwork and an ultrasound). I also talked to my nurse and got my frozen embyo transfer (FET) schedule. I was excited that we'd get to jump right back into everything.

Tuesday March 17th I went in for another appointment and we started our Lupron injections that night. Lupron is used to surpress your ovaries. It's a small little shot I get in my tummy every night. This Tuesday makes 2 weeks on the Lupron and I will go in for another monitoring appointment. It's so weird this time around because we keep forgetting about my shot! The second day on it, we were late giving it by 30 minutes, so I went ahead and set an alarm on my phone so we wouldn't forget again. Good thing I have that alarm set too because it's the only thing keeping us from remembering it! Last Saturday we were eating out when my alarm went off so we had to hurry and pay and jet home! Luckily we were almost through eating anyways. But last time we never forgot! I didn't even have to set an alarm last time. I wonder if it was because everything was so new last time and now this is just the norm? (How crazy is it that I think it's normal to get a shot every night?? lol).

So Tuesday when I go in for my appointment I have to do another "mock transfer." The mock transfer is when my doc will use a catheter to find the route to my uterus. I had to do this last time too and it's a little painful. Luckily it only lasts 5 minutes! Not looking forward to this appointment! Also this Tuesday, my lupron does is lowered and I begin to take Estrace and baby asprin. After that appointment I start going in for appointments ever 4 days until the transfer! I can't believe we are just 3 weeks away. I hope it goes by quick! I'm ready to have 2 of my little frozen babies back where they belong.